Identify the nature of your self-image.

The nature of your self-image has a direct influence on the quality of your life –this includes both your physical and emotional health.

Consider this –

  • The nature of your self-image is reflected by the type of fingerprint pattern on your index finger.
  • The type of fingerprint pattern on the right index finger can differ from the pattern on the left index finger.
  • The type of fingerprint pattern on the index finger of the dominant hand (the hand you write with) provides information on the self-image you would generally (naturally) reflect to the world – your public image.
  • The type of fingerprint pattern on the non-dominant hand provides information on the self-image you strive to reflect – your ideal image.

By identifying the type of fingerprint pattern on the index fingers it is possible to provide you with information of the nature of your self-image. Although your self-image is not static (it changes according to how you adapt to what you perceive from the external world) the qualities associated with the type of fingerprint pattern on the index finger indicate your predispositions or preferred tendencies of how you perceive yourself. This is because the fingerprint patterns are genetic information indicators.

Being aware of the nature of your self-image you can ensure that it is an accurate reflection of who you authentically are – an ally or a partner that supports you in living your purpose.






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