See bottom of page for password to Soul Group example page.


 Please e-mail any questions – 

Over the past twelve years, I have conducted extensive research on fingerprint pattern combinations and other features of the hands. I have dedicated my time and resources to obtaining reliable information on all aspects of the hands. The feedback on reports that I have compiled have further enabled me to establish a database of information that I can now share with you. Numerous workshops with experts in different fields have also contributed to the extensive knowledge base that has now been established. This information is now available through the Soul Group Initiative (SGI).

I have categorized more than 10 000 different hand prints according to fingerprint combinations. According to these combinations, I have identified 13 different groups and refer to them as Soul Groups.
I have registered individuals on the SGI and provided them with a questionnaire (compiled with the help of researchers in different fields). The answers received have been consolidated within each Group.

When you participate in the SGI you have access to information of the Soul Group you belong to. Participation is anonymous and access to the information is granted with a password.
How will you benefit from registering?

  • Based on the information of all the individuals in your group, you will receive a basic profile of the individuals with your fingerprint combination.
  • You will have access to information on the challenges individuals in your group experienced and how they have managed those challenges.
  • You can share in their life experiences of what they find helpful, what should be avoided, what they enjoy and what they hate.
  • You will receive information on diets that work best for them, how they manage conflict and the role of relationships in their lives.
  • You will also receive information relevant to the features on your hands and specific to your fingerprint combination. This information is based on scientific research that can for example include:
    • Medical.
      • Women with specific fingerprint patterns on the ring or little fingers of their right hands have an increased risk of breast cancer.
      • Arch fingerprint patterns with a high triradius increases the risk of heart related conditions.
    • Career.
      • Peacock’s eye fingerprint patterns are prevalent on the hands of architects.
      • Most lawyers have whorl fingerprint patterns on their index fingers.
    • Relationships.
      • Radial loop fingerprint patterns on the index fingers appear on the majority of individuals who have been through a divorce or find relationships challenging.
      • Those who remain single throughout their lives usually have double loop patterns on their thumbs.
    • Life Purpose.
      • Those with their life purpose reflected on their middle fingers, usually live their purpose.
      • Those with their life purpose reflected on their index fingers struggle the most when trying to live their purpose.
    • Life lessons.
      • Most individuals have their life lessons reflected on their little fingers.
      • Many individuals confuse their life lessons, with their life purpose.
    • Children.
      I have clients on my data base with ages ranging from a few months up to the age of 97. There are literally thousands of lifetime experiences available to benefit from. Allowing children to participate in the SGI can provide parents with valuable insight into their behavior and also provide guidelines in parenting endeavors.

While you are a participant in the SGI you will have the following privileges:
• At any time e-mail questions to the administrator of the project that I will then forward to others in your group – this process is confidential and anonymous. When replies are received it is communicated within the specific Group where the questions originated. Examples of questions:

  • What are the challenges you currently experience?
  • How do you manage grief, disappointments and sadness?
  • What advice would you give on life in general?

Please note that you will receive a questionnaire when you register to participate. This questionnaire is quite comprehensive and has already been completed by others in your group. When you register this information will also be available to you.
When registered on the database you will also be invited to workshops and e-mail discussions with individuals with similar fingerprint combinations. My client base is not limited to South Africa so you will also have the opportunity to share in the experiences of those individuals who live in environments with different challenges.
All new research – relevant to the features on your hands will also be provided to you.
This is a wonderful opportunity to move closer to your soul group.

When you register, you receive a password that provides you with access to the webpage of your Soul Group.

To register:

  • I need ink prints or photos of your hands – with the fingerprints visible. If I have taken your hand prints before there is no need for this – I still have the prints.
  • You can WhatsApp or e-mail the photos to me.
  • Make the payment and e-mail me the proof of payment – bank details here ********

Cost: R300 per year (price will increase to R1 200 per year from 15 December 2024.
Registration valid for: One year.

As with all my work, this process is completely confidential, and your privacy will in no way be compromised.

Your password to access the Soul Group Example page is – SITE

Click here to enter the page ************

Click here for fingerprint analysis options – ***********


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