Kevin’s Fascinating Chirology – KFC



Kindness is a “hedgehog word” that curls up when it is threatened. It is the warmth around a fire on a cold night, but it fades when it does not receive attention. It evades us when we try to hold on to it for too long and slips through our grip like water trough our fingers. It is however an important word linked to compassion, but it is also a word that stubbornly refuses to be exploited and commercialized. Kindness comes into being when the boomerang effect of its intention echo’s back from where it originated.

Kindness is simply an act that uplifts energy vibrations.

This gentle act transforms and inspires. Although it can be a virtue it is mostly a powerful tool intricately designed to uplift the energy in a specific situation – available to everybody. In it’s design lies the mystery – something that transcends individual virtues. It is an act that is blind to the chasms that divide mortals for it draws energy from a Universal Source. It is precious, but not for sale. When it is pursued with the logical mind it develops, but only grows to perfection when nurtured by intuition. In its purest form, it is not a planned or calculated act, but rather a spontaneous action – done sincerely and authentically.

Like a boomerang, kindness provided returns in the form of gratitude. However, it is not dependent on acknowledgement from the receiver. Instead, it empowers the giver to become the conduit through which gentle uplifting energy flows, providing comfort and fulfillment in the process.

Kindness is not only a tool that transforms, but also a shield that protects vulnerability. It allows for healing; it motivates and ignites gratitude. It is said that kindness is a language the deaf can hear and the blind can see. But where do we acquire the ability to speak this language and how do we skillfully articulate it? When we endeavor to find a tutor we are always guided back to ourselves – for kindness resides in the very being of who we are. It is the universal language of the soul – the familiar energy that connects and harmonizes all thoughts and actions. Therefore, do not seek for kindness in the external world, but rather turn your focus inward. Do not seek but rather allow. Be who you authentically are and allow your unique style of kindness to uplift the energy vibrations around you. Be kind not because you pity or because it is expected from you – do not strive to be kind because of some moral code that secretly elicits guilt.

Be ignorant of your kindness but discover it in the gratitude that echoes back to you. Be proud when the compliment is – thank you for your kindness.

Develop your kindness by knowing yourself. Go here for guidance – **********

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