Care can be regarded as the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. Care is also described as watchful attention. To care is to take an interest in something, to feel concerned about something or to have feelings about something. It is said that – “Energy flows where attention goes.”.
Care is the result of time spent and attention given. In other words, what you spend your time on and give your attention to is a reflection of what you care about. Both time and attention can be regarded as currencies – if you spend it or give it you receive something in return. This principle is captured in phrases such as “Whatever you keep pursuing with your thinking and pondering, that becomes the inclination of your awareness.”
“As a man thinks so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.”
“A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.”
“We become what we think about,”
Thinking is an internal process that requires time and attention.
Your thoughts initiate emotions. Emotions (energy in motion) trigger physiological responses, and motivate you into action.
Your predominant thoughts therefore reflect what you care about. What you think about is a more accurate reflection of what you care about than what you say you care about is.
What you care about drives your actions. What you care enough about to put your will behind (resulting in actions) will create your reality.
When you spend time and pay attention you receive. You receive in accordance with what you spend time and attention on. Should you therefor feel unhappy with your life – remember it is the result of the reality you created, the result of time spent and attention given.

To control this you need to ensure that you spend your time and give your attention to aspects that support who you authentically are. Who you authentically are is as unique as your fingerprint patterns. By applying the principles of Chirology to your fingerprint pattern combination it is possible to provide you with practical guidelines on how to spend your time and give your attention to aspects that support who you authentically are. No extensive reports or discussions – just practical notes to empower you to utilize your inner resources.

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Individuals who share the same Soul Group tend to have similar factors that have an influence on how and what they care about. For more informatio on Soul Groups an the latest update click here – **********