We all get to a point in our lives where we feel we are stuck, disappointed, disillusioned, sad, lonely, fearful or any feel bad emotional state that keeps us trapped in a prison where thoughts cannot escape. Being in this position limits our ability to make informed choices and robs us of a quality life.

Over the past years I have experienced that many of my clients find themselves in this position and need some guidance.

To address this need I experimented with the idea of  individual “life coaching sessions” to determine the effectiveness of online (e-mail and Skype) assistance. This proved to be effective and I therefore developed a programme or initiative where specific guidance can be provided in the form of individual sessions (online) without the need for commitment to a course.

The ink prints I have of your hands provide the background information.

The procedures are as follow:

  1. You indicate that you are interested in a session.
  2. You pay the amount of R350 and e-mail proof of payment.
  3. You are provided with the following questions:
  • What is your problem?
  • What are you struggling with?
  • What aspect in your life would you like address or discuss?
  • What do you expect to achieve through the consultation?
  1. You answer the questions and return it to me.
  2. You receive an e-mail to clarify your needs.
  3. You confirm with a returning e-mail.
  4. You are provided with written discussion and guidelines – via e-mail.
  5. You read this and then schedule an appointment for a Skype session or if you prefer a further e-mail discussion.
  6. The aim is to ensure that you receive what you expected from the session.

To promote this new initiative I will offer it at a discounted price of R350.00 (the price from 1 April 2024 will be R500.00). If you know of someone who would be interested (whose hand prints I don’t have) please let me know.

Please e-mail me with any questions or suggestions –