How vulnerable we are … If we do not breathe out the air that we have inhaled we die – always a breath away from death, yet we live with a type of arrogance that we are superior to all that breathe. We even extend this arrogance to that, that cannot breathe. We are arrogant to our vulnerabilities.

We build cathedrals to the glory of God, compose symphonies to honour His omnipotence, but we fail to respect His creation. We beg His forgiveness and plead for His mercy yet we murder, mutilate and rape the jewels of His creation.

We cloak ourselves with wisdom and marvel at our collective achievements, but cannot save ourselves from dying at the hands from what we have created.

We are vulnerable.

The word vulnerable is often regarded as an instruction to protect or to save. It is however always a word that demands attention. Ignoring or neglecting it could lead to injury or death. Vulnerability therefore requires awareness.
Not to protect you from the potential threat or attack, but to identify the source of the vulnerability.  What is it that exposes you to harm or death? It is in this awareness – (knowing what causes your vulnerability) – that what is important to you is revealed. Whatever it is that exposes your vulnerabilities becomes the messenger. It is by focusing on the message and not the messenger that you discover opportunities for change and when you do you will be blessed to witness a resurrection.

You have been ordered to isolation and forced to return to the “Kingdom” within yourself. It is now up to you to take advantage of your vulnerabilities.

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